Thursday, April 19, 2012

tera power leveling narrowed spot copper premium quotes - OWY

129784668185053750_300Collection and assessment: increased sugar Merchant Warehouse rocketed Cheng bean oil opened fall 9th General domestic futures market up. Sugar Cheng long eruption, observed increased bunker, skyrocketing 1.97%; strong soy bean oil opened back in the near future, paring. Continuing consolidation of industrial products, Shanghai copper continued to hover around 60,000 mark, screw slightly weaker afternoon, again dropped below the 4,400. Zheng sugar recent consolidation pattern in the break today, September contract increased bunker volume rise, closing$ 6,816. Shenhua futures think, into April, major progress press resumption to speed up, China is about to enter the pure consumption season and, in addition, as the peak summer consumption approaches, and also conducive to the free sugar from Cheng were mixed in a difficult position. Current storage acquisition was not sufficient to change the domestic situations of excessive supply pressures, but $ 6,550/ton of shouchu sugar price trendProvides a strong base of support. In addition, He Da Jinyuan futures analyst said in Twitter, in March domestic sugar production and sales data monthly, monthly sales data growth per cent and from the accident, the news Lee, polysaccharide. Soy bean oil is expected to occur in the near future to adjust the strength of the early, pre-leading soybean meal fell in early trading today, grease is still rising, but shocksChonggao down. Analysis says beans recent rally accelerated, early accumulation of more profit may choose to take profits. Although the fundamentals are still good, but short term recall risks are gathered. Lo Lo in breaking through the 4,400 mark shocks upward in early trading, breaking through the 4 tera gold,400 mark, but afternoon trend shocks back, main 1210 contract closed $ 4,379 andRose 0.25%, position up by 21,700, sold for 574,500 hands. Building materials throughout the country today continue steady rising trend in the spot market, early stage strong rally in East China slowdown, dimensional stability, and generally fill up $ 10-40 in Beijing and Tianjin in the Northwest. Although the current market transactions have not seen significant improvement, but as the weather warmed up, the market thought up, Plus the cost of steel to increase the ex-factory price support, threaded steel will maintain this steady pattern of small rises in the near future. Raw materials market is still bland. Imported iron ore spot remained stable, businesses offer strong, but downstream buyers are still in a wait-and-see. At present between the mainstream print powder keep in $ 63.5% to $. Domestic market steadily weakened iron concentrate powder, of Quercus liaotungensis in Liao dynastyWest dropped slightly, but wishes mine shipping low price low overall dimensional stability than thick. Domestic pig iron for steelmaking offer temporary stability, transactions. Billets, steel scrap markets the same narrow finish, sold for General. Down main Coke 1205 main shocks even Coke contract in 2011 small opening, intraday swings down, fell before the close. Coke closed1999 Yuan/ton, down $ 12/ton, 0.6%, 1,114 hand in trading volume, hand positions 3,202. Stock market, weak stability, general trading atmosphere. Hebei handandiqu Coke prices edged down some Coke and enterprises. Inventory: last week I NET port of Coke with the aperture inventory statistics, Tianjin Port 168 6.3 per cent; in Lianyungang 292 increase; 13.1, Rizhao port, by 0.2 per cent (thousands of tons). On the fundamentals, second quarter of the year, coal will continue to maintain the overall balance between supply and demand, and relatively loose, coal market in the balance of supply and demand, structural redundancy features in less obvious, be sure to cause industry-wide concern. National development and Reform Commission Regulation in China this year as the economic operation of energy supplyWith one point. Late dive Shanghai copper up in shock after shock your Yin metal opened in Shanghai on Monday, Shanghai copper continued tested effective support for the 60,000 mark, main 1207 contract is open to $/ton, in the absence of external disk case, under the influence of low domestic stock markets opened, Shanghai copper then drop to $ 59 tera power leveling,900/ton, notwithstanding the stabilising, but lateSwitch down early repair of failed again. Closing in 59,840 Yuan/ton, down 230 yuan/ton, 0.38%, increasing warehouses of 4,250, sold for 328,158. Today's domestic stock prices slightly higher, mostly a wait-and-see the first trading day of the week market turnover slightly bland. 59380-596 electrolytic copper traded on the Shanghai market00 Yuan/ton, the last trading day up 150 Yuan/ton, 1204 contract discount $ 50/ton-flat water. March CPI higher-than-expected fall in the copper coil, stock bargain buying actively, however as the rebound in copper prices, consumer frustrated again. Under the guidance of the lack of information, total shipments of domestic shippers are limited, near the value date, narrowed spot copper premium quotes,Water margin for premium copper and copper prices have also reduced. Externally, the United States March nonfarm payrolls worse-than-expected data, market analysis might restart QE3. According to the March United States jobs only 120,000 people, down from Goldman Sachs before 120,000 people expected, and fell to 10-month low. Employment data renewed downturn market on a new round of quantitative easing in the politicalPolicy expectations. Prior to this, according to the Federal Reserve's March on the income summary of disclosed information, because the United States economic signs improve tera power leveling, gradually reduce the necessity of a new round of stimulus policies. National level, National Bureau of statistics announced this morning, according to March nationwide CPI rose 3.6%, slightly more than the market had expected, growth ring up 0.4gebai last monthPoints. While CPI rose by 3.8% in the first quarter, in the context of economic slowdown, CPI data for March and the first quarter is still controllable range of 4% for the year. Statistics also show that March PPI fell 0.3%, growth hit a 27-month low, on the deviation of the PPI and CPI data, industry analysts pointed out that the cost of circulationThe main reasons for the high level data differences. According to foreign media reports, Zambia's Commerce Minister said on Wednesday that Zambia will soon enact a law to force foreign production of blister copper mining company in the country in order to achieve the maximum income in the mining sector. Domestic and foreign mining companies are currently delivered to blister copper smelter, which has led the country in the smelting process link loss of profits. ZambiaIs the largest copper-producing countries in Africa. The Minister also said that by 2015, the Government of Zambia copper output target of 1 million tons. Others:

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