Monday, April 2, 2012

tera gold breakthrough - LKF

129770966802343750_280Yahoo Sports News Beijing time on March 24, 2012 season of League ushered in the second round of the contest tera power leveling, Hunan Tao against Yanbian long white tiger head the home teams. Hunan Tao eventually teams with Dong Fangzhuo, Martin and Chen Wang's 3 ball, 3:1 win over the Yanbian area long white tiger team, two consecutive victories, Dong Fangzhuo stained red from the field at the last moment. ThanStart 3rd minute of Yanbian's long white tiger team took the lead in the match a shot, but did not threaten. 4th minute long white tiger team fouls in Yanbian tera gold, Hunan Tao team access to front free kick, the ball out, goalkeeper Chi Wenyi leap leaping, 22nd in the ball firmly in her arms. 7th minute formed Hunan Tao Dong Fangzhuo, 11th single, shoot, register, front and by goalkeeper Chi Wenyi, 22ndResolve when. 9th minute Hunan Tao Dong Fangzhuo closed frontier, 11th THUMP, first to tear the door to Yanbian long white tiger team, into a ball, Hunan Tao team leading 1:0 for the time being. 18th minute long white tiger, 16th Wu Yongchun fouls in Yanbian, Hunan Tao team access to front free kick, ball goes into the restricted area, is broken down by Defender. Hunan in the 21st minute of the Xiang Tao, 4th CaoMade a foul, getting a yellow card, Yanbian area long white tiger team access to front free kick from foreign aid, 10th kulibali main penalty, dispose of goalkeeper Wang Hao, 17th, Gao wanguo, Xu Bo, 9th and 7th consecutive 4 boot foot-launched, unfortunately, didn't get the ball. Kulibali, 29th minute long white tiger team 10th in Yanbian, hit the ball line. Match up to now, Hunan Tao has been accounted forAccording to the home advantage. 30th minute Hunan Tao team get the corner kick, ball into a restricted area, is defensive player play, followed by Hunan Tao players foot tipping the puck, goalkeeper, was 22nd Chi Wen a steady hold. 32nd minute long white tiger team restricted area of Jiang Hongquan, 12th frontier defense in Yanbian, Hand ball, Hunan Tao team access to front free kick, Martinez, 19th ball wearing a human wall, skinThe ball fell into the net. Hunan Tao team leading 2:0 for the time being. 39th minute long white tiger team of Yanbian foreign aid, 10th kulibali ate 1 yellow card. 41 minutes, long white tiger team 10th in Yanbian, BA Li long distance free kick gongmen vigorously in the library, corner into the goal, long white tiger team regain the ball in Yanbian, Hunan Tao team leading 2:1 for the time being. First half Bushi 1 minute. The first halfGames, Hunan Tao leading 2:1 in Yanbian area long white tiger for the time being. The first half, overall performance of Yanbian area long white tiger team, has been Hunan Tao in the arena of war control of the situation. But foreign aid kulibali crucial goals, seems to make long white tiger team in the second half to see hope in Yanbian. Beginning of the second half long white tiger has made personnel adjustments in Yanbian, 26th Chi Zhongguo replaced18th, Cui Ren, Wu Yongchun, Cui Yongzhe replaced, 8th 16th. Race to the 50th minute both sides have no opportunity to find good shots. 56 minutes diablo 3 gold, Korea foreign aid, 11th Hong Zhenxie zhichuan Beck, breakthrough, offside Xu Bo, inclined inserting 9th against the goalkeeper failed to break into the single ball, at present, the long white tiger in Yanbian team in good condition, has been an active attack. Hunan in the 60th minuteXiang Tao made personnel adjustments, Enriguez replaced Cardoso, 9th, 12th. 63rd minute of Hunan, Chen Wang, Tao's team again made personnel adjustments by the 20th discard Zhao Wei, 27th. 64th minute Lapic, long white tiger team 5th eat 1 Yanbian yellow cards. 65 minutes, Yanbian kicks combined with long white tiger team, kill Gao wanguo dribble into a restricted area, register, 7th shot, but the ball hitTo the edge online. 66th minute, Hong Zhenxie, 11th plunge into a restricted zone with the ball, but the crew chief was fined Hong Zhenxie break with foul, this penalty has caused dissatisfaction in long white tiger team and coaches in Yanbian, Xu Bo, 9th eat a 1 sheet of yellow cards. Hunan Tao Dong Fangzhuo, 11th 76th minute injuries fell was carried out. While Hunan Tao has run out 3 change places。 85th minute long white tiger team Pei Yuwen, 6th in Yanbian obtained a change card. The 87th minute foul, Chen Wang, 20th, Yanbian's long free kick to the left access to restricted areas of the White Tiger, Hunan Tao, the ball out of the restricted area. 88th minute Hunan Tao Dong Fangzhuo, 11th deliberately kicked to the Pei Yuwen was sent off. Bushi 4 minutes. The 91 minute, Hunan, Chen Wang, Tao 20thHunan Tao into 1 balls. Reminds as the referee's whistle all match ended, finally Hunan Tao with Dong Fangzhuo, Martin and Chen Wang's 3 ball to 3:1 over the Yanbian area long white tiger team. Hunan Tao show lineup: 17-Wang Hao, 11-Dong Fangzhuo, 8-Lu Jiang, 4-Cao Huan, 9-Cardoso (12-Astor. ex 60-Rick '), 7-Qing Wang, 15-ailike·nuolaleisi, 14-Bai Yuexuan, 19-Amirah. Martinez, 28-daiqin China, 27-Zhao Wei (20-Chen Wang 64 ') replacement: 1-Li Shi, 3-Xin Li, 6-Yang Baoming, 29-Liu Xin, yoga, 20-Chen Wang, 30-shuai Liu, 12-Astor. Enriguez long white tiger showed up in YanbianCapacity: 22-Chi Wenyi, 6-Pei Yuwen, 5-pull Peach, 4-Li min fai, 12-Jiang Hongquan, 16-Wu Yongchun (8-Cui Yongzhe 46 '), 10-kulibali, 18-Cui Ren (26-Chi Zhongguo 46 '), 7-Gao wanguo, 9-Xu Bo, 11-Hong Zhenxie alternate: 1-Michael k, 3-Han Guanghua, 8-Cui Yongzhe, 14-Hun Lee,25-Han Nan Yong, 26-Chi Zhongguo, 27-puwanzhe (Editor: Koo Peng) Others:

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