Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold displaying their masters for hunting - XVU

129770868851562500_27According to Xinhua, Beijing tera gold, March 23 (reporter Wu Jingjing) scientists in China and Brazil paleontologist cooperation, in areas of Western Liaoning province in China found a strange Cretaceous pterosaur fossils. It was named "Hunter ghost Dragon" has further confirmed the fossil pterosaur combination of output in Western Liaoning of China and Brazil Northeast outputs have a high similarity of the pterosaur fauna, theyThere is a very close evolutionary relationship.  Reporter 22nd was informed that the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of vertebrate palaeontology and hominid, Xiaolin Wang, this research is published in the latest issue of Germany of the Science magazine. According to reports, the "Hunter ghost Dragon" found in the jiufotang formation in Western Liaoning in lacustrine shale, late early Cretaceous era about 120 million years agoPhase. This fossil has a devil-like strange skull morphology and kiss-end of large abnormal teeth, displaying their masters for hunting, hence the name.  This specimen also has more than one place on pterosaur fossils of dung tera power leveling, consists mainly of fish, bone fragments tera power leveling, it's the first time I saw wings of Dragon dung fossils form or direct evidence that the ghost dragons are fresh fish and animals. "' Hunter ghost Dragon ' and 2003Year discovered from Brazil ' toy pterosaurs ' very much alike. "Xiaolin Wang said, similar to pterosaur fossils in addition in Brazil and outside the two species found in China, are not to be found anywhere else in the world. Others:

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