Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling fiscal - QOB

129774149458281250_75Social security funds are the people of the "pension" and "life insurance", financial security is first and foremost. According to the notification, current balances of funds of social insurance funds, only to deposit or purchase of State bonds, not to carry out any other form of direct or indirect investment, invest in some places impulses needed "cool down". Current pensions into the stock market conditions does notWell, there are unsafe factors such as market risk, and operational risk. In the long run, social security fund investment channels will be gradually expanded. Ministry of Finance recently issued a circular requesting further strengthen and standardize the financial accounts of the social security fund management, and ensure the inclusion of social security account of the social security funds safe, standardized, efficient. Cleanup long and repeated Bank to open an account todayWill further streamline the social security account number after the circular points out that, in recent years, the efforts of local financial departments at all levels, social security account management and constantly improve and standardize, developed a specification for a set of rules and regulations, such as accounting, financial management, work, guarantee the safe operation of the social security funds and the national implementation of all social security policy. 2011, the Ministry of financeOrganized a nationwide reorganization of dedicated fiscal accounts. Verification, social security account management also revealed a number of problems, need further specification and solve. At the local reorganization of dedicated fiscal accounts found in the verification process, in some places there was a long account of the Social Security Fund and duplicate accounts problem. Local finance social security departments at all levels should actively cooperate with the financialTreasury Department do a good cleaning tera gold, merging social security accounts, the establishment of account management. Notification requirements, set in, the municipal social security in more than 5, to streamline the incorporation in principle before the end of 2012 to 5; social security account set up at the county level 3 or above, by the end of 2012, in principle, to streamline the incorporation to the 3, and on accounting for the social insurance fund fenzhangAnd the interest in accordance with policy. With a commercial bank is only allowed to open a pension account. Promotion of co-ordination with provincial social insurance in the future, to further streamline the social security account number. Current opening below the social security account number in the above provisions, no further increase in the social security account number. "Money", "Steward" separate, preventing corruption from the source code for social security account management, Is to safeguard the financial security, preventing and controlling corruption from the source of a system, mechanism of action. After the implementation of centralized management of dedicated social security accounts, local finance social security departments at all levels, financial and treasury departments to be in line with a serious and responsible manner, strengthen communication and coordination, after the transfer of the interface. According to the "money", "Steward" separate principles, financial and treasury departments mainResponsible for account management (including account opening, change, cancellation) management, cash management and accounting, and monthly insurance provides this level of social insurance funds to finance social security department Treasury collection into the current month cumulative number and social security number and account balance data; financial indicators of the Social Security Department is mainly responsible for budget issues, plan reviews, businessLedger, financial management, and so on. Local finance social security departments at all levels, financial and treasury departments to strictly enforce financial and accounting system of social insurance funds, and further refine the Division of responsibilities, establish a standard practice for, and ensure a smooth transfer of, safe and efficient social security account running. Fund balances can only be converted to fixed deposit or purchase of State bonds, not to carry out any other formInvestment of social security fund is national legislation to impose compulsory special interest funds, their value related to the normal operation of the social security system. Notification requirements, the financial sector to make insurance for Bank, according to the requirements of policy interest tera power leveling, provided by the social insurance bank-interest notification form, and sent Treasury, fiscal, social security sectorsSocial insurance agencies and accounting separately, Treasury Department, financial Department of social security, social insurance agencies and bank account on a regular basis, the financial sector must not be discretionary interest. Local financial balance of the social security sector according to the social insurance fund, in consultation with the relevant departments on the basis of the proposed dump time deposit or purchase of State bonds of the baseGold balance of volume and duration of recommended; financial and treasury departments in accordance with the regulations of the State developed specific dump deposits, purchase of State bonds of action programmes on a regular basis, and according to the procedures laid down in the implementation. Local financial departments shall not use fund balance for any other form of direct or indirect investment. Local financial departments should establish a sound value system and operating mechanism of the Fund, ensuring that fundsSecurity under the premise of value. Financial security is first and foremost, spirit of the current market conditions are not ripe under notifications, current balances of funds of social insurance funds, only to deposit and time deposit or purchase of State bonds. Does this mean "ban" of the social security fund investment in other channels? "Social security funds are the people of the ' old-age ' and ' life insurance 'Financial security is definitely the first place. "The Ministry of Finance Bureau Deputy Director Liu Shangxi said, social security funds the most fundamental requirement is that the security, you want to make sure you can paid, followed by return on investment and productivity. Recent buzz in the community for old-age pensions market issue, Liu Shangxi believes that pensions under the present circumstances to enter the stock market conditions are not ripe, there is market risk, and operational windUnsafe factors such as risks. On one hand, as an emerging market of Chinese stock market is in a period of growth, volatility and risk than developed countries; on the other hand, China's stock market investors including institutional investors also mature and stable enough, there is a big risk on investment operations. This twofold risk stack, are not suitable for high security requirements in the social security fund. "Time deposits and bondsSo income is not high, but at least not lose money, if the pension market in capital paid, how could such a big hole plugging? Who can take this responsibility? "Liu Shangxi believes that notification mainly to some of the local investment impulse of" cool down "to prevent in the name of preserving and increasing the value of" swarm "of investment, raise capital risk. Recently, the national social securityFunds entrusted by the Guangdong Provincial Government, investment and operation balances the basic old-age insurance fund for urban workers in Guangdong Province, Liu Shangxi says, this is a new approach to new things, in Guangdong the first pilot. In the long run, social security fund investment channels will be gradually expanded tera gold, but not the "plunge". () Others:

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