Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling but just some simple academical training - HVF

129773900572968750_91Lin Shuhao knees feeling better is not a magnetic resonance examination Yeah sporting March 27: because of knee pain, Lin Shuhao absent today and Bucks game. However, he still took part in the team's training session, and accepted a number of reporters in the locker room for group visits. "I took part in the team's training in the morning, but were not able to determine whether you can play. "Lin Shuhao said," because of knee pain in some training time in the morning,So decided not to play the game. "In addition to Lin Shuhao, amaer and Jared-Stoudemire-Jefferies is also missing. Jefferies will be missed 2 weeks, Amare Stoudemire and did not appear in Nick's locker room, but found in Miami Hospital. In the case of wounded soldiers camp, Nick-interim head coach Mike Wooderson canceled the game tomorrow, the day after tomorrow they willAgainst the Orlando Magic. "I'm trying to ' observation of the day ' on the list, if the recovery well, may be all right tomorrow. "Lin Shuhao says," are likely to remain quezhen. "Lin Shuhao said he now he cannot estimate the recovery time tera gold," to look at recovery of the knee tera gold, now feels much better than the previous two days. "Lin Shuhao said, heA team within two days of training before, but just some simple academical training, and so on. "The last two games before this pain, we have 4 games in the last 5 days, the last 2 games are knee pain. "Reporter:" did a MRI test? "" No, "Lin Shuhao replied. This was the first time since Lin Shuhao on February 4 super shortI game. Lin Shuhao said the decision not to play, was made after the consultations he and trainer. Amare Stoudemire because back pain is absent, his influence had long been the injuries. "I am his injury tera power leveling, he was one of the players, the team leader, I hope he was able to return to the team as soon as possible. "Lin Shuhao said," he is one of the two people with the highest team score,When playing very dynamic. At the offensive end, and front of his pick and roll, score rebounds very well, was a complete player. �� Others:

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