Monday, April 16, 2012

tera gold 129788443046406250_232 - ZUM

129788443046406250_232SINA real estate (Edit Qi Cuizhen) dragons are Central Park (comments on the Forum type photo album sample room map search) for sale, 3/f, mortgage instalment offers 600 Yuan/square, offers 750 Yuan/squares, one-time payment discount $ 900 per square tera gold, discount price 3,600 Yuan/sq m. Has started on the 4th floorInterior decoration, in June next year is expected to be housing. Dragons are Central Park scene graph development Central Park project in three phases, project 58,029 square meters, consists of 9 apartments and 21 size landscape composition, main scene in the community of Lake and sea platforms. The most important feature of the project is to integrate into the Chinese "Dragon" culture communities everywhereDragon figure, such as the statue of the Dragon, the shape of Dragon-shaped lake. Is Central Park effect chart Dragon is the Dragon Marine Park is located in the central administrative district of the Central South Coast seaside Avenue, close to the administrative district main road, adjacent to the municipal government, four main venues, CBD business district, the geographical position is superior. And occupy the first row of the coastline, have not copied the West Bay Harbour view resources, formerMangrove ecological zone, hold after Egret Park tera gold, Park-marine landscape, is a rare line of fangchenggang city tera power leveling, sea view room.��Is slightly less than the surrounding facilities need to be improved. Above information is for reference only and eventually released to developers Others:

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