Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera power leveling creating "mainly to commercial facilities - JEQ

129774133187812500_241"Star James sinks" main synchronized brand signing ceremony held on March 27, "put Ya hui main tour and the star brand building project signing ceremony" was held at the Kempinski Hotel Suzhou Jinji Lake. Suzhou Xiang real estate company leaders tera power leveling, many well-known brands, such as businessmen, company representatives, journalists and media drop Tower, Star James meeting project partnersTotal of more than 100 people attended this event. Investment and building located in Su Yalu Xinghai Street intersection, is to focus on the development of office buildings economic Jinji Lake West of CBD central business area, surrounding a large number of enterprises at home and abroad, mature business atmosphere, rapid development of commercial atmosphere and the region as a whole. Xinghai Street line Subway Line 1 station entrance and connect seamlessly with the star James sinks, built subway passAfter the car, the project will become a regional core, for the mature business district, Suzhou base brings more interactive and accessible. Investment and building-related charge, the whole project is divided into 3 floors underground, 22 floors. "Star James sinks" for 1 to 6 floors underground, commercial area of over 20,000 square meters. Regional Office from 7 to 22 tera gold, about 30,000 square meters. Office StandardAbout 2000 square meters, fiery in the sale or rental. Star James sinks combine professional research and their own characteristics, creating "mainly to commercial facilities tera power leveling, targeted consumer, radiation around the Office crowd" precision positioning. Target customers for high-end business white-collar workers, business people, created the vast project group. Project business portfolio to business needs and quality of life as the main character, "business cardSets retail dining, quality food and "business-everything, seeking to create a better shopping environment for the target customer base and service atmosphere. It is understood that up to now, by virtue of the project location and superior products, made famous the high food and beverage brands "Leopard" sign star Ya hui, to the strategic expansion of its first shop in Suzhou area; international Japan yongwang Group's supermarket"Maxvalu" is selected Star ya meeting as its first shop of East China, on the significance of the win-win hand in hand both; CRV its first coffee shop business "Pacific Pacific Coffee Coffee" and also stars James sinks in hand, together to create a large cup of American coffee enjoyment, making it a focus area together. Believe, By virtue of the project excellent location, super high quality and broad prospects for development, and in the future development in this area will be more prosperous. Rental of office building: 0512-62993888 Tel: 0512-62996000 reception center: Su Yalu, Suzhou Industrial Park, No. 368142th Tianxiang Garden, Others:

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