Wednesday, April 4, 2012

tera gold the industrial added value of Guangdong - TOP

129770966719843750_59 <a href="">tera gold</a>Xinhuanet, Guangzhou, March 24 (reporter Liang Ganghua)-under the influence of weak external demand, and many other factors, the world's important manufacturing base in Guangdong, the current low orbit into an industrial economy. In just the last 2 months, Guangdong completed above-scale industrial added value of 2,966. 8 billion yuan, an increase of 5. 0%, an increase of 2011 by 7. 6%. Guangdong Provincial Bureau of statistics published data show that foreign share of industrial economy of Guangdong 60%, but the current negative trends. In January-February tera power leveling, the industrial added value of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and foreign investment enterprises 1541. 8 billion dollars tera power leveling, down 0. 4%, continued the decline from a year earlier. Guangdong Pearl River Delta industrial cluster,But the current growth slowed sharply. In January-February, nine cities in Pearl River Delta value added growth of only 2. 7%. Export-oriented industries than the larger city of Shenzhen, Dongguan negative value added fell 3 per cent respectively. 0% and 12. 5%. Statistics show that current Guangdong industrial exports negative trends. In January-February, the province's industrial enterprises above designated size industrialExport delivery value of 3,841. 4 billion dollars, down 4. 0%, the first negative growth in industrial exports in the province the past three years. Shrinking cities in the province had 11. (Editors: Qian Zhang) Others:

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