Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold the Government itself is the "public option" result. Therefore - ZHD

129773928477812500_93Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleRubric interview and you say the global observation of weekly comment window on the South issue 2012 > body font size print RSS March 27, 2012 from: South wind window "two sessions" is in sight。   Leave this Administration has not a lot of time: the last year of the term. Because of this, Premier Wen Jiabao recently listening to views on the Government work report (draft for soliciting opinions) of the views and proposals expressed: "must be good beginning King, do not delay, can solve the problem must not shirk. "The founding of new China, especially modifiedLeather since the opening of Chinese administrations are always "Socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics" system of smooth transition of power. Seen from the system and the implementation of the transfer of power, the Government itself is the "public option" result. Therefore, logically, is the first Government, so that it has the political responsibility to respond to the realities of the vital interests of the people, rather than realityThe question, then from bottom to top Government, so that it has a political obligation to deal with it. Do maintain the stability of political and social order as a whole, as well as various policies continued. But there are also negative effects. Each term of the Government when the inherit the legacy of previous Governments, along with the previous Government during his term was supposed to solve, but due to various subjective and objective reasons and out of migraineProblem has to bear, and it can also follow this logic, argues.   Incorporate this logic, that is, at least in reform and opening up for more than 30 years, in our society, many of the threats to the question of political identity, social harmony tera power leveling, such as corruption, unfair distribution, the gap, also could not be stopped, there are even exacerbated trends. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, for thisLogic is a breakthrough in each term of the Government, in its tenure, all have a political responsibility to do it should and must do things, not exacerbate the problems accumulated, threats to society as a whole of the "public good". At the time of the powers granted to each session of the Government of the people, no matter in what form, itself a contract: its political obligation and honour their political commitments. An Government perfect thanksScreen, is that it makes people's satisfaction and nostalgia. Government by the people, of course, is not a panacea. Wen Jiabao, a premise, is limited to the capacity limit of this administration. However, in the system of Socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics, "big government" pattern so that it has a lot of power and a lot of resources to do a lot of things. In particular, theseThis is what this Government is doing or should be doing.   Question is "determination" and "will". For people, this Government should be "good beginning King", relates to the political recognition of the first major events tera gold, is that price regulation: can guarantee at least in 2012, prices "reasonable down"? Based on previous failures of regulation and administrationAlready fulfil all of the commitments to the political on the control, such as bite, no further retreat.   And have entered "the Sham Shui Po District" other "reform", the nature of price regulation, is still in the reform of Government and "distribution groups" combat or accurately, is pain and former Premier Zhu Rongji, who granted "special interest group" combat. ThisPoint has long been common sense: price regulation relating to local Government of "vital interests", and real estate interests, but attached to the interests of local governments. And as far as China's tax system, affect the interests of the local government, Central Government is also in the interest of being drawn into a complex game landscape. Unique problems of price regulation, is whether the Government can to it, as well as social"Common interests" to "let", contain the selfishness of the exercise of power, not only signs of local governments resist regulation in disguise, and on the means of control beyond the "restriction" this time you select. This involves both "losses" and harvest "stable" the political benefits of utilitarian tradeoffs, as well as related to the implementation of political commitments to mend the crack problem of political identity.So, this Administration will give the next Government to make a demonstration of a political ethics binding. In addition to fulfilling the term is similar to real estate regulation and control of such political commitment, the Administration can still try to do other things, such as officials of property declaration system, such as governance, "nude". Although they did not mean only what Government, politicsEthics are concerned, as long as the Government in Office, in the context of its political responsibilities and political obligations. On the promotion of official financial disclosure statements, in recent years this Administration has in fact made some efforts tera gold, such as the pilot has been around on the property declaration, Central files also require cadres to declare property. But these "property declaration" confined to the party system "self-monitoring"Shang, is not open to the community.   While it is not "promotional" became a universal binding system. Associated with this, "naked officials" have become a phenomenon. Chinese Academy of social sciences, released on February 20 in 2012, the blue book indicates that the rule of law, near 40% public officer authorized as "naked", many of whom are provincial-level officials. This has not only corruption, but involvedAnd officials of political identity and national identity. Of course, looking forward to the present Government in the last year, overcame resistance hysteresis and the absence of officials of property declaration system for many years, "sunshine law" fruit, may be unrealistic, but definitely worth it and should do it. This perceived with wings and political obligation of the slack, as a political virtue, in the continuity of the Government authority, As well as on the inheritance of the estate, will be submitted to the next session of the Government the best gift in the future. Others:

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