Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold assigned to the network the next time you dial even after subscription of less than. 8 -

129773932943750000_136Guangdong electric appliance company limited special bulletin sponsors for initial public offering of stock investment risk (Underwriters): guosen securities company limited Guangdong electric appliance company limited (hereinafter referred to as "distributors") initial public offering 41.35 million shares of its common stock (a-shares) will be held on March 28, 2012 (t) respectively in ShenzhenStock Exchange release electronic platform under the trading system and network implementation. Issuers, sponsors (Underwriters) special attention of the investors concerned about the following: 1, this issue of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and other government departments to make any decisions or opinions, doesn't mean its issuer or investor stock investment value make substantive judgment or guarantee of return. Any of the correspondingAnti-statements are untrue statement is false. 2, intended to be involved in this release of purchase investors shall carefully read March 16, 2012 (t-8th) published in the China Securities News, the securities Times newspaper, the Shanghai Securities News and the stock journal the Guangdong electric appliance company limited on intent for Digest and disclosure initial public offering of stock offerings in the giant waveWeb site ( full text of the offer letter of intent tera gold, in particular one of "special risk" and "risk factors" section to fully understand the issuer's risk factors, to judge their business and investment value, and carefully to make investment decisions. Issuers affected by political, economic, trade and management implications,Camp conditions may change, which may lead to investment risks shall be borne by the investors themselves. Issued under the 3, the network will be used by purchase, unit placement, shaking, placing objects in each purchase amount must be purchase units (1.65 million) or integer multiples, each cumulative purchase amount cannot exceed 8.25 million shares for placing objects. When the net effective purchasingMore than offline release number, lead manager, which will be appropriate for placing objects offer good purchase, the amount, distribution, every 1.65 million be allotted a number will eventually shake out of 5 numbers, each number given 1.65 million shares. If there is a lack of online purchase to the network the next time, net amount issued will increase, underwriters will be based on call-back size, checkThe number. Investors are requested to note that shakes under placement will result in a net, placing results in checking proportion allocated quantity, different from the proportion and placement in the past. 4, in this issue, underwriters of the independent recommended a 20 with high prices and long term investment approach of the inquiry under the institutional investor participation in the network. Recommended underwriters has developed strict standards andThe decision-making process to finalize the list of institutional investors has been reported to the Securities Association of China registered. This class of investors bidding situation will affect the offer price, if the investor does not endorse such investors and their quotations, purchase recommended not to take. 5, this release follows the principle of market-oriented pricing tera power leveling, at the preliminary inquiry stage by institutional investors under the network based on the real purchase intention quotes, Distributors and sponsors (Underwriters) according to the preliminary results of the inquiry, basic conditions of the given issuer, future growth and underwriting factors such as risk, consultations to determine the issue price. Any investors who participate in online purchase, are considered to have accepted the offering price tera gold, if the investor does not endorse this pricing method and the issue price, it is recommended that do not participate in the purchase. 6,Issuers and underwriters on March 30, 2012 (t-2nd) in the Guangdong electric appliance company limited initial public offering of stock under the network check, shake and announced in the notice of result of placing the main underwriters during the promotion period to provide issuers of valuation conclusions of the study and all placements offer details. Above data is only for responseDistributors on the issuer's value judgement and placing objects offer, and does not constitute investment advice to issuers, attention of the investors concerned. 7, investors are requested to focus on investment risk. In this release the following buy the shortfall be underwritten by the underwriters: network issue valid purchase is less than the total of the net issue number; total eventually effective to purchase onlineTotal amount is less than the current online issue, assigned to the network the next time you dial even after subscription of less than. 8, after this release may be listed below issue price risk, regulators, issuers and sponsors (Underwriters) cannot guarantee that the stock market will not fall below issue price. Investors should fully focus on market-oriented pricing underlying risk factors, knowledge of the stock market may fall below thePrices, effectively raising risk awareness, strengthening the value investment philosophy, avoid hype blindly. 9, all shares are negotiable shares of the issuer. Shares of this issue under the network and placing of shares of a limited sales period, about limited commitments and limited period as described in the offer letter of intent. The shares limited arrangements related to shareholders based on the stability of the corporate governance and management, In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations to make voluntary commitments. 10, the amount of purchase, either placing objects you can select only conducted offline or online purchase, all participating network quotes, placing placing objects under the offline purchase, networks are not permitted to participate in the online purchase; use only one qualified individual investors account for purchase, contrary to any of the above provisions of theTo purchase are invalid purchase. 11, after the end of the issue, subject to approval of the Exchange, before it can be listed on the stock exchange open transactions. If you do not get approved, this issue will not be listed, issuers will follow the issue price and considered return of bank deposit interest rates over the same period to investors who participate in online purchase. 12, issuers, sponsors (Underwriters) solemn attention of a castingChinese attention: investors should stick to value investing ideas involved in this issue to purchase, we want recognized issuer of investment value and hoped that the outcome of the growth of share issuers investors to purchase, any doubt the issuer is pure "money" investors should avoid purchasing. 13, this special notice does not guarantee investment risks revealing the release of all the investment risk, buildFull insight into the characteristics of the securities market on the investors and contain various risks, rationally assess their own ability to take risks, and in accordance with its economic strength and investment experience in independent decision making involved in the purchase of this issue. Issuer: Guangdong electrical equipment company sponsors (Underwriters): guosen securities company limited on March 2012Gold online statement between Japan and China: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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