Sunday, April 15, 2012

tera gold fundamentals are a good doctor-patient relationship. When it comes to health care reform

129779512202500000_72Is not a physician-patient relationship, to strengthen security yesterday by the Minister of health Chen Zhu, in response to a hospital in Harbin the hospital patients killed a 17 years old intern events, which is a crime, not a doctor-patient relationship, fundamentals are a good doctor-patient relationship. When it comes to health care reform, he said, "quality medical resources is not a day to grow, you need to", asked about the term medicalCan be modified to a step which tera gold, he said tera power leveling, "do our best to". Public hospital reform evaluation have been completed, through the two years pilot has been conducted in 17 cities. It is necessary to further promote plan? Health Minister Chen Zhu, dialog introduced in the Boao Forum, in hospitals at county level pilot is already quite large, from more than 300 to 500 more.Chen said "high quality care, all of these public hospitals Twitter appointment convenience services such as registered, of course, deep-level mechanism to building up one ' s health with tonics hospital long term institutional issues, reform is the most important policy. "Release the voice of private capital to enter the medical field, Chen, for the entry of private capital already has very good policy. But it was to find the right direction.Has been much-maligned medical service supply and demand imbalances, Chen said, quality medical resources is not a day to grow, you need to. Term reform to which step, he said, "do our best efforts". In addition, raised concerns before kill Hospital of Harbin medical university affiliated hospital, Chen Zhu, stand, to heal the business needs in a safe andRespect the environment, to strengthen security measures in hospitals, to severely crack down on the crime. Chen said that crime was not the doctor-patient relationship. He said 6.5 billion medical activities, fundamentals are a good doctor-patient relationship, although the local region is still very grim. "Communication mechanisms to do well, but depends on the system. To strengthen medical education, medical environment to improve tera gold, but in additionTechnical, humanistic care is also very important. "Chen. () Others:

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