Sunday, March 4, 2012

swtor credits the State will on the part of sectors of policy preferences - ICT

129742938960625000_3Past reviews plate encyclopedia encyclopedia of listed companies in machinery and equipment sector of concept 3D encyclopedia of stock list stocks of listed companies of cultural media of a unit list (detailed) encyclopedia of plate four stock list stocks on the Internet encyclopedia "resource units" three major sections on the stock list analysis of new energy the 50, researchMade the first practical silicon solar cell, PV technology has more than half a century. 9.6 million square kilometers swtor credits, which two-thirds more than 2,200 hours of annual sunshine hours, with rich resources of Sun. Therefore, whether from the current view, or from a long-term perspective in PV market is huge in China. Solar PV technologySystem, after the traffic signal, traffic, network protection, and remote radio tor credits, power outage for residents of homes and other special occasions in the future, is now moving towards large-scale commercial applications. Industry experts on the economics of solar power generation is also optimistic about the future. Solar power generation technology will gradually in the next 10 years to mature. Expected in ChinaSolar power cost of $ per 0.8 per cent by 2010 is expected to nearly twice times that of conventional power generation, competitiveness will increase significantly. Photovoltaic industry has become one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. According to Germany investment banking MERCKFINCK10 sales will grow to us $ 30 billion, will the PV industry's net profit increased from $ 800 million in 2004 to $ 3.3 billion. Nuclear power nuclear power is clean, safe, affordable, mature technology, strong supply capacity generation, became the mainstay of the coal rift plat, hydro-electric power industry in China after. At present, there are 17 countries on nuclearThe country's total generating capacity by more than one-fourth, France 77%, Korea 38%, Japan 36%, United States 29%, United Kingdom 28%. 2003 China's nuclear power generating new Trojan 43.8 billion-kilowatt, 2.29% per cent of national electricity generation in the year, good prospects for future development. Wind information shows, reach the Earth in solar energy is only about2% into wind, but the total was still very substantial, global wind energy can be used on the development and utilization of water than the Earth 10 times greater amount of times. Yun-a huge amount of wind as a renewable resource, very considerable commercial potential. Although reached only 2% into Earth's solar wind, but its volume is impressive. By the end of 2002, (158 ideal) Global wind power generating capacity of 32 million-kilowatt. Scientific calculation, wind power generation in the future year growth is above 30%, forecast to 2020, total installed wind power capacity will reach around the world 1260GW, 12% of total annual energy output will reach the world's energy demand. Currently wind power technology matured, generation costs have been declining trend. DangSome foreign countries before comparable to wind power generation cost and thermal power plus �C House of government subsidies, even cheaper than the cost of coal-fired power. Experts speculate that China can produce cheaper within 5 years of large-scale use of wind-generator. Humans long ago started to use geothermal energy geothermal energy, geothermal energy use can be divided into geothermal power generation and direct-use of twoClass. With the rapid and steady development of China's market economy, especially the degree of urbanization to enhance and improve the quality of life of the people, geothermal market demand is very strong. According to expert forecasts market for: 1, medium-term (2001-2005): geothermal power, 15-25 MW, Trojan 40-50 MW; geothermal heating, 7 million-8 millionSquare meters, a total 14 million-15 million square meters; 2, long term (2006-2010): geothermal power, 25-50 MW, Trojan 65-100 MW. Alternative energy released from 2001 States the denatured fuel ethanol and the standard of motor ethanol gasoline, to the 2005 nationwide promotion, ethanol vaporOil is expected to promote faster than people imagine. As early as in March last year, combined with 7 other ministries and the national development and Reform Commission, decided to launch a pilot motor ethanol gasoline to expand, including 5 Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Henan, Anhui, Shandong, Hebei province and Hubei Province and Jiangsu 4 on a pilot basis in some areas of the province. By the end of 2005, these regions should baseThe realization of motor ethanol gasoline substitute other gasoline. Other gasoline substitute new energy development in full bloom, solar car, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Four, three related listed companies quarterly new strength in the energy sector is undoubtedly the most beautiful scenery on the market. We believe that the performance slowdown this year and economic operations have an important restricting factor, to a large extentProduction costs due to a resource shortage, energy crisis and squeezed the middle and lower reaches of the high corporate profits. ����In this case, the State will on the part of sectors of policy preferences, and inhibits the development of some industries, nuclear power, wind energy, solar energy is a national focus on the development of the industry, companies are expected to usher in a huge space for development. Gold onlineOut: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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