Monday, March 19, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling " - KIO

129757007342812500_4Sterilisation-QE night storm red QE3 's lines away comments view mobile phone free March 08, 2012 Gold network as the reverse operation, "reverse quantitative easing (Sterilized QE)" in the overnight all over the financial markets.People have been good for the Federal Reserve intends to "launch QE3 during the year, and to buy MBS" under the background of this strange "reverse-QE" is what artifacts could be favored by Federal Reserve, this would have an impact on financial markets about the operation? Sterilisation-QE news is from is mentioned in the reports of the foreign media journalist Jon Hilsenrath. This is generally regarded in the industry as the "mouthpiece of the Federal Reserve" journalists reported that people familiar with the matter said, federal officials are considering a new type of bond purchases. In this project, the Fed started printing printing new money to buy long-term mortgage loans or United States bonds, but at the same time at low interest rates in the near future will money to take back so that it is frozen. This"Reverse repo". This means, the Fed essentially freeze such a sum of money to purchase long-term bonds, and not allow it to flow into the economy as a whole, this way, it can discourage people's worries about inflation, meanwhile, can also play a role to push down long-term interest rates. The twist in the ongoing operation (OT)? Why did the FedNo longer to launch a new round of reverse operation, because this is not optimal for a policy? But it's not. In September 2011, the launch size of 400 billion dollars reversing the actions of the Federal Reserve, through the sale of Treasury bills get paid, purchases of long-term government bonds, which, fed and not printing money, also began to drive down long-term bond yields. But, Is faced with the problem of the Federal Reserve, do they have adequate short-term bonds can be sold? Switzerland credit at the beginning of a research has been mentioned in the report, according to the fed for the first round of the clearance of 75% 3-month to three-year rule, extension of the OT, Federal Reserve short-term Treasury bills is available for sale for only 165 billion, far below the scale in the first round. Results fromSo also be compromised. Reverse operation was "access to the benefits of QE, and eliminates the disadvantages of QE (expanding the balance sheet)", but in the case of not enough to sell assets of the Federal Reserve, "capable of pumping money into the system, and can control money eliminate inflation fears"-reverse quantitative easing seems to have become the Federal Reserve is one of the best choices. Then, in financialDistinguished reader on a "new weapons" and what attitude? Michael Feroli, JP Morgan Economist believes that combine reverse repo and bond purchases "will be issued a number of conflicting signals to the market" diablo 3 power leveling, said Carl Lantz, an analyst at Credit Suisse, sterilising-QE might raise short-term interest rates, includingThe federal funds rate, which may be sending out the wrong signal to the market, because in the end the Fed's balance sheet will continue to expand, stimulus is still continuing. In his view, no matter the QE3 is "reverse" or "non-reverse" longer-term inflation expectations in both of these cases will not be much different. Support for "reverse" QE's best argument is that "reversed-QE "will enable the market to see the Fed exit strategy, which will eliminate some sceptics fear. Xiaolei, a renowned financial commentator also pointed out in an interview with FX168, actually reverse the QE and QE3, fed buys bonds move in the long run, capital will also be "spent" diablo 3 power leveling, goes to market, increase in inflation expectations. But it is beautifulCountry a way to lower borrowing costs, capital market is a short-term boon, after all, is the stable United States economy one way. Private enterprise in China, Peking University Institute of business exchange-rate risk control snow Xin, Deputy Director of the Centre, told reporters, sterilising-QE before similar revolving door, for future economic development and slowly pumped in much of the new currency to prevent similarEffect of China's monetary hyper-, in other words is slowly boiling frog. And the Federal Reserve was also hesitant to may market is not a single inflation or deflation of the unilateral, may need to tackle market many of the contradictions, but for now is to expected future inflation fears. In his view, the short term tera gold, this policy or promote a non-United StatesAnd gold rose. FX168 Wei Jun, senior financial analyst of finance pointed out that has yet to have the Federal Reserve officials launched the "reverse-QE" made no response, the message revealed through the media channels or sound out the market reaction was intended. And while the United States the obvious signs of recovery in the economy, but the housing market is still in a precarious state, therefore veryIntroduce new measures to prop up the market, "reverse-QE" is selected. Regardless of whether the reverse-QE to become another panacea of fed bailout, one thing to note is that the reverse-QE is to a large extent in order to reduce market worries about inflation, this means that federal authorities is also very worrying further bonds purchase will lead to future inflationSoar, recall the old testimony in both houses burst its banks last week Bethlehem did not mention attitudes, QE3 birth opportunity seems to be even more remote.

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