Saturday, March 10, 2012

wot power leveling shifted from industry to own brand from investment and exports both investment -

129756355810000000_232Slowing economic growth in China is not a bad thing, big corporate layoffs and not a nightmare, now to reflect on the past almost addictive time expansion mode.  More bitter cold wave has set off alarms in the market, how to experience this unprecedented test of life and death? Global entrepreneur journalist Yue Miao Li always trouble, isn't it? In just one yearMore ago world of tanks power leveling, most Chinese companies also optimistic, occurred in the European debt crisis on the other side of the Earth has nothing to do with their stakeholders. It was selectively forgotten by many people such as Nokia Siemens, United Kingdom world famous enterprises such as HSBC Holdings jobs information.  But the bad news was harsh heels. BYD, us-constant, 31, of heavy work (microblogging) sth XuWithin many different industries in China after the March all the way leading companies exposes a layoff rumors. Group of the most representative is the United States. In November 2011, group exposes a massive layoff news, household appliance group, owned by 2011 almost all mass recruitment of new employees are laid off. Just after the Festival, again of the beauty of layoff news. Quite ironicIt is in October 2010, the Chinese home appliance giant also mentioned that it takes 5 years to reconstruction of a multi-billion dollar beauty (for details, see the issue of the United States: article layoffs taboo disease). Not only that, but as signs of the 2008 global economic crisis once again in July last year, large-scale toy enterprises in Dongguan "Su Yi" and textile enterprise "" the sudden closure of lensPoorly cast a shadow over the market. These wonderful signal seems to presage of winter really made in China. Tell the global entrepreneurs, Dong Mingzhu wot power leveling, President of gree electric appliances, second half of 2011, fast-growing industry does not like it used, but ushered in the stationary phase. Red light has been lit. Li Wei, Director of the State Council Development Research Center, ChinaFace greater downward pressure on economic growth. Emerging economies due to worsening export conditions, the impact of capital flow increased, and are not really cut off from the United States and European influences.  Slowing export growth led directly to domestic investment and growth fell, is expected around 2012 investment in fixed assets grew by 20%, down 4% over the previous year. "China is undergoing a huge transformation, This is obvious. With this transition, China ' factory of the world ' location and huge growing export economy is a thing of the past.  "Chairman and Jim o ' Neill, Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs asset management company (Jim O'Neill) tells of the global entrepreneurs. This situation might be out a lot of people had expected。 After the Spring Festival the global entrepreneurs, journalists found when visited in Guangdong, Hunan, and other provinces, the vast majority of companies also are jobs difficult anxious.  Even optimistic think that many enterprises, policies of investment laws of first choice is to spend the winter. Reality is much more grim. Poor's (StandardPoor's) expects China's economy for softPossibility of landing the largest GDP growth 8%-that is, the next two years or so. Medium probability of landing at one-fourth (7% GDP growth), the probability of a hard landing occurs as one-tenth (5% GDP growth). If such situation occurs, and local government financing of real estate industry will face the greatest risk, banks, construction materials and other related industries have also been affected."Dr Doom", New York University's Stern School of business Professor nuliaier·lubini (Nouriel Roubini) is also predicted that the extensive growth model cannot be sustained, will eventually collapse: in a fit after overheating, excess this will only lead to deflation-deflation starting from the construction and real estate industries. It is possible to be alarmist. But on theChinese enterprises, the reality is that an idle period of growth in China's economy has entered a smooth curve is coming.  Slowing down is not a bad thing, retrenchment is not a nightmare, now to reflect on the past almost addictive time expansion mode. Bushy in the past 30 years, China has experienced a major structural transformation of society, from an agricultural country into a workingIndustry. 30 years ago, China's rural population accounted for 80% of the total population, agriculture accounts for specific gravity of one-third or more of GDP.  Today, the rural population and the urban population accounted for 50%, agricultural proportion of GDP less than 10%. Low labour productivity (labour costs account for about $ 90%) agriculture shifted to more capital-intensive industries(Labour costs accounted for only about $ 50%). In the past 10 years, although the absolute number of personal income growing at an alarming rate of 8% per cent a year, but the proportion of family income per cent of GDP is falling, follow the urban household savings rate is rising sharply. Its much-maligned causes include weak social security scheme, population ageing and the property bubble buriedSingle.  Although the proportion of urban population by the year 2020, China is expected to reach about 60%, but the consumption share of GDP during the period of transition cannot be increased substantially in the near future. Rapid growth has not been without cost. One of them is on an unprecedented scale of urban migrants. McKinsey believes that China's urban population to 2025 is almost doubled, China221 cities with more than 1 million people, only 35 in Europe. Rapid urbanization is regarded as domestic consumption and the driving force of economic growth. 2011 Census data showed, as migrant workers continue to flood the cities looking for opportunity, China's urban population has more than 50%. If that company leaders wanted to reduce the structural transformationImpact on the nuances of urbanization should concern.  Its commercial decision-making should meet the General background of urbanization-once the migrant workers enjoy account or right of residence in the city, would have the will to reduce savings rates, higher consumption levels. However, the biggest driving force for China's economic growth in the past-cheaper factor of production, especially labour and land prices, has continued to climb. Driven by investment and exportsPattern of growth has developed a "path dependence", some abuses to go around apologising, such as local governments in financial dependence, export-oriented enterprises in subsidy policy. Or transformation, or collapse of China need vigilance into stagnation and middle-income trap. Nobel Laureate Michael Spence, Professor of Economics and business, New York University, business school, only 5 economy-Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore-while maintaining relatively high rates of economic growth, promotion from middle-income countries to developed countries. China's economy with a low proportion of manufacturing low added value, service, symptoms such as high income inequality and the gap seems to have presented a "middle-income trap" national characteristics. China in the past relied on foreign technology,Capital to develop and market economy.  Today, the way to solve problems is self-technical innovation and fostering domestic markets in order to solve. Ma June think, Chief Economist of the Deutsche Bank in greater China, China manufacturing industry within the next five years is the most important subject of industrial upgrading. Labour and other costs rise will force manufacturers to shift some consumer products to lower costsAreas, including in Western China, Viet Nam, Bangladesh and Indonesia, to keep the price low. Migration pressure is obvious. Forced by rising costs and a stronger yuan, some coastal manufacturing enterprises had to streamline the coastal worker, and move production to the Mainland, Southeast Asia and Africa and other places. Business owners will be moved to yiguotaxiang is a must have, is one of the reasons is thatManager cannot be managed by workers of different cultural backgrounds. For most OEM manufacturers, one of the challenges is to OEM manufacturers to change their business models, followed by how to build brands. A long time, few domestic Chinese consumer brands to go overseas, on the high end of the market is even more rare. The reason is that it is difficult to fish and cake-a traditional client andNot happy to see work keep pace with the situation. The other hand, the need to be alert to emerging patent trap.  Another major obstacle is the "made in China" label bad reputation, the latter often with sweatshops, and associated with poor quality. Electronic industry as an example, today, China remains a high degree of dependence on imported technology, most companies are still confined to the assembled part zero, This process in the finished product as a part of the price is minimal. Strengthening the professionalism and improving profit margins are particularly urgent. Between 2004 and 2009, unit labour costs rose by 50%.  Mostly adhere to the small profits but quick turnover of small manufacturers were forced to face a simple choice: to the high end of the value chain or transfer, or the bankruptcy. Add insult to ChinaRaising the deposit reserve ratio, all major banks hoarding and tend to the background of large State-owned enterprises make large long-term loans, rather than small and medium enterprises.  The latter was forced to resort to money changers, allegedly interest could be as high as 70% per cent, which are compounded by the risk of death.  Where is the way? Transformation of mode of economic development is to rebalance the economy in real terms, from labourCost advantages, fine turning research and development design, high-end technology manufacturing innovation; shifted from industry to own brand from investment and exports both investment, exports and domestic consumption; from the extensive to green, high energy consumption, high emissions, low energy consumption, low emissions world of tanks power leveling, and so on. This shift driven by inner motivation comes from China have run out of all elements of the old economy-energyWater resources, cheap labor, and consumer markets. Paradoxical that China has the world's fastest aging population on the one hand, but also faced labor shortages as a result of uncompetitive wages; for air and water pollution on the one hand, irreversible impoverishment of land and many other environmental problems to pay all the costs, while also exporting cheap goods to the developed worldTo make ends meet. This includes the following paradox, resource consumption and pollution in China, as the largest country may also become the largest clean energy manufacturing countries. Such as wind turbines, solar module manufacturing are among the world. Beginning new and cleaner energy technologies in traditional polluting industries, or to help them transition, or to improve its production processes. Another way is the new energy industries and traditional industriesUnited, seeking new growth points. Chinese companies seeking global strategies need to be focused on how to build a brand, expand, marketing network and integrate global resources, and so on.  Is a merger and acquisition, or self-optimizing operational links and extended value chain? In addition, Chinese enterprises should become the global giant is also facing a number of other challenges. One of the issues to be improvedIs the management structure. Chinese enterprises tend to be centrally managed, major decisions are to be made or approved by Headquarters. In addition, Chinese companies should also be competitive in overseas markets to better understand customer needs. China does not need to deal with retail customers before, but refer this question to those who have them for OEM brands. But with the Chinese companies are starting to turn offTheir brand, they also had to establish an effective mechanism, using multiple languages to address customer needs, complaints and feedback, this is a very demanding and complex task. Most important is, Chinese companies should better corporate governance processes, in particular, transparency should be increased. No company can operate in isolated environments, as Chinese companies overseasField, and their new partners and new markets more and more cooperation, confidence-building needs. As Eishi (INSEAD), international school of economics professor andongniao·fatasi said: "If today's economic crisis and the 1930 's great depression has any similarities, remember ' the only thing we have to fear is fear itself ' this advice. ”

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