Thursday, March 1, 2012

age of conan gold option - QXF

129746275490100000_48Google Voice can also use circle function used to filter incoming calls. SINA technology hearing February 25 Beijing time news early this morning age of conan gold, according to foreign media reports Friday, Google "circles" (Circle) feature that allows users to have their friends and family members in different circles. The function now also supports the Google Voice。  Like Google's community features of Google Voice user age of conan gold, this is certainly good news. Google (micro-blogging) on Thursday announced the circle feature is now also available in Google Voice. Users need only to Google "groups and circles" (Groups CiRcles) option, and then select the Google Voice configuration section.  Then users can follow the Google provides options to set the circle: acquaintances, friends, families and concerned.  However a Google representative is also pointed out by e-mail, users cannot customize circle, only Google has provided four options can be used. RingChildren can say is one of the best features in Google. It allows users to put their contacts into different groups tsw gold, and take this to to see updates and multimedia sharing in different circles.  For example, some updates and photos may only be able to share with friends, while others may only be visible to the members of the family. Circle of Google and other usersWhen sharing content has played a role of a filter, but Google Voice circle is slightly different, its main function is to filter calls. (Lin Jing)

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