Tuesday, March 13, 2012

wot power leveling Chopper - ADL

129756500989843750_29The 1th page: Chopper: United States House prices down 11 House prices will fall much juvenile 2nd page: Chopper: people buy a House now and within a few months to hit the 3rd page of the sales department: Chopper: falling house prices is the only way we are Japan 4th page: Chopper: the property market within five years would not devalue the 5th page: Chopper: local government "bailout" noise6th page of financial strategy: Chopper: the 7th page of the estate ran away was how the four Army: sledgehammer: when is the best time to buy a house the 8th page: Chopper: "drop" and prices are not a dime a sledgehammer, China real estate information on influential independent commentator figure a lot of people don't understand Wen Jiabao put forward in the Government work report downgraded GDP to 7.5% What do you mean, how we should practise their own appreciation of the value of the property.   In this connection, I am here to talk about my views and refuse to make investments based on. GDP growth target is 7.5%, while the CPI is expected to grow by 4%, which passed to us there are three signals: a monetary growth is still tight, M2 growth will not exceed 14%,Fatal blow to prices; two from inflation to stagflation is 2012 China, in accordance with the economic pattern is that, behind the stagnation is deflation. Known as stagflation, is that economic growth has declined and inflation does not eliminate economic status. This status means that the economy according to its own rules on adjustment; three is Wen Jiabao stresses that the future will eliminate 15,000Tons of excess cement wot power leveling, that means the State will compress size of infrastructure including real estate. In the era of inflation is asset to the King, and in an era of stagflation is cash is King. This is two different financial management under the economic status. Any economy can't always be inflation, cannot always be deflation. China's economy in 2012 officially turning everythingSubject to inflation hedging methods are obsolete, because prices of many assets including house prices will go into the bottom, which is in a cash merger tide began to rise, prices of many assets into the bottom, buy points appear. People's Bank of China's monetary tightening was beginning in October 2010, conduction of monetary tightening effect on the prices need a year or two's time. We fromMarkets saw wot power leveling, drive and the collapse of the bubble began to appear in October 2011, fall in house prices will shift to the second stage, that is the national house price dispense stages, so the year 2012 national house prices begin to fall, appeared nationwide General fall world of tanks power leveling, because the price decline is not very big, so also will attract some buying. 2013 prices began tumblingHouse buy point began to appear. Along with the stagflation period of adjustment, we will find that fantastic changes in the RMB exchange rate will be. Not long ago, Zhou xiaochuan, Governor of the Central Bank, XI Jinping Vice President visited the United States on the website read the Renminbi exchange rate will accelerate the marketization process of expression, then it means since this will grow as the market of RMB exchange rate to float, more investmentPeople will be holding dollar assets. Not imagine we should know that many people will sell China real estate, to buy United States property. The reason is simple, in high prices in China, United States houses at the bottom.   If you want to attract dollars back, there is only one way, prick the housing bubble, housing prices appear at the bottom. If the currency crunch, thenPrices will remain down. Japan is down for 15 years, United States was descending for 11 years. House prices last fall to what degree, and only God knows. Go back and look at 7.5% 's economic growth, it is not difficult to find, the decline in economic growth was in many ways affect prices. As a financial House, had lost its significance of investment, the last remaining living functions.

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