Sunday, March 11, 2012

wot power leveling Yu zhengsheng - NYZ

129756542895468750_3Yu zhengsheng, Shanghai housing year restriction policy does not become deputies to the national people's Congress, Shanghai party Secretary Yu zhengsheng said yesterday when answering a reporter's question, housing a restriction measures will not change during the year. In front of the two sessions held throughout the country wot power leveling, Department of housing management published in Shanghai allowed foreign household residents holding a long-term residence permit for three years to buy second homes "new interpretation of old political", it was a relaxing restriction policy wot power leveling, But this was a policy announced in a few days after the emergency stop. Will relax the restriction policies this year, Yu zhengsheng, Shanghai housing market "three" approach, which is a long-term approach. He introduced "three principal" refers to the local residents mainly live world of tanks power leveling, normal, real estate, living. "The ' three main ' will not be the short term, but aLong-term policy of local housing policies. We have taken some measures of restriction of, is to implement the ' three ' principles and concrete measures, I do not see signs of change this year. ����"Mr Yu said. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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