Thursday, March 8, 2012

eq2 platinum 01223 - IJO

129742938917968750_253★ External market conditions ★ New York Dow high stocks of individual development of continuous individual development, market on Greece made optimistic of new loans, support the Dow for two days hit a 52-week high, but tech stocks to be soft. Tired all week up three index 1%. The Dow Jones industrial average closing at 12494.9 points, rising 45.79 or 0.35%. Is satisfied that theStark closed 2951.78 points, down 8.07 points or 0.27%. Standard and poor's 500 Index closed the 1361.23, rises 3.19 points or 0.23%. European stock market rise, Greece debt issues are expected to ease, supported the market. United Kingdom's FTSE 100 index closing at 5905.07 points, rose 19.69 or 0.33%。 Frankfurt DAX index closing at 6848.03 points, rising 96.07 or 1.42%. France the CAC40 index at 3439.62, rose 46.37 or 1.37%. Japan stocks considerably stronger this morning, as at 8:28 in Hong Kong, the Nikkei 225 index rose 141.25 or 1.51%, at 9,525.42. Oil well, oil prices in New York rose US $ 0.93 per barrel, closing at $ 103.24. Back in gold, gold futures in New York fell from $ 2.5 to $ 1725.9 per Troy ounce. Macro focus ★, ★ dream Greece aid European stocks ahead of the celebration after the delay, Greece is also ushering in of euro-zone Finance Ministers "final verdict". TodayEuro-zone Finance Ministers met in Brussels, Greece fate causes concern of the global market. However Greece turn to resolve the debt problem, Greece 18th additional austerity programme was approved by the Cabinet, widely expected Greece to gain 130 billion euros in second round of assistance from international organizations, European and American stock markets generally rose in recent days, the Dow rose nearly 4 yearsNew highs. "Comment on" market vision Greece does not appear a disorderly default, but the country's debt situation remains grim. Even if Greece can gain 130 billion euro rescue loan, it also just makes Greece briefly left the market areas of concern. Second, the Chinese first lowering reserve requirements on February 18 of this year, once again, people's Bank of China cut deposit reserve rate0.5%, implemented from February 24. This deposit rates would fall to 20.5% for large financial institutions, small and medium financial institutions deposit reserve ratio to 17%. Rough estimates, the lowered reserve 0.5 basis points, to release some 400 billion yuan of liquidity at a time. "Comment on" deposit reserve rate cut, free up liquidity, Bank real estateFirst benefit cut is expected in the future aion kinah, good for the stock market as a whole. But inflation is still the main obstacle to relax monetary policy and Bank reserve ratio (RRR) decided to remain to a large extent depends on the level of cross-border capital flow direction and magnitude. ★ Collection ★ 1, Baron drinks (00209) consistent selling drinks business interests on Friday closed down more than twoTycoon drinks announced that noted recent fall in the company's share price and trading volume increased, companies are likely to sell the interest of the group in its drinks business, preliminary consultations with independent third party, announced the sale may constitute to be traded, but have yet to implement any of the terms. "Comments" wishing to sell business, future development direction of doubtful. 2, di-ChenDevelopment (00262) Kaifeng eq2 platinum, spending more than $ 160 million to buy the land to build apartment Andy Robinson announced the development of the property, its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Andy Robinson real estate successfully acquired a piece of land for development purposes, Kaifeng, China land acquisition cost 134.3 million Yuan (HK $ 161.2 million), developed into a total gross floor area of about 95,510 square metres in the proposed block of apartment of integratedIndustry shares resumed today. "Comment on" buy good 3, Xinhua Wen Xuan (00811) logistics business equity sale has more than 30 million new China Wen Xuan published, for a cash consideration of RMB 24.6761 million Yuan (about HK $ 30.35 million), the full sale of Wen Xuan logistics 51% stake to Hua Seng group, estimated earnings of about 150,000 yuan. Wen XuanFlow is mainly engaged in the logistics business. "Comments" are not core business for cash flow. 4, performance focus: China reset (00127) were recorded in the last year thanks to go full investment property valuation gains-prop (00286) thanks to go last year under China's financial investment (00605) significant increase in net profit last year of natural beauty (00157) last yearNet profit recorded a considerable increase in modern education (01082) interim net profit of $ 10.4 million, growth of 63% San Fung Avenue group interim dividend of 2.5 cents (01223) profits fell last year reduced the fair value of investment property Chi Cheung investment (00112) profit last year, significant fall Feng Lin (01152) made substantial profit for the year full of the police back China Motor(The 00026) setback in interim net profit of 120 million Yuan 56% medium-term global and special interest-a total of 60 cents up to three forest (03938) interim net profit of US $ 67,000 back 99.71% not phantom audio and digital dividend (01822) full turn losses last year gross margin decreased by Chinese media (00491) interim losses at $ 23.03 million dividend China fire services(00445) were registered in the comprehensive annual loss last year, policy ★, ★ market to Greece by the occasion of the 2nd issue of emergency loans have high hopes, announced reduction of people's bank deposit reserve rates lotro gold, no doubt to market even better. Brokers, people move to surprise the market, Hong Kong stocks 22,000 mark short or strong challenges, and as tired rise has more than 3,000 points,Believe would be followed by two or three line unit relay; does not rule out the accumulation of substantial increases in market value, then soared after the consolidation. Cheat ★ ★ trading economic data released results for the January consumer price index 00257 China Everbright international annual 00405 yuexiu Housing Trust Fund annual interim 01117 00756 Tianyi fruit of modern animal husbandryInterim results annual 02778 02020 Anta sports Grand industry annual report

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