Friday, June 15, 2012

Yves cool said Rift Platinum Yves cool said - BLNG

129823466958750000_269 <a href="">Rift Platinum</a>Weiss: criticizing the coach help me evolution: no he can t West Yeah sporting May 24: t-West semi-final with the Lakers the fifth round clash, third paragraph of the section Yves Brook tackling saishensi passing through-train kills to the front, in the event of the latter shenglayingzhuai, incredible body out of balance situations would throw the ball into the basket into a 2-1. After hitting the magic goal, was suppressed almost two and a half section of Victoria, crazy celebration,Give vent to one's own emotions. His release, also includes the questioning of the pressure on his shoulders for over a year to, prejudice. After all these years, Weiss finally action smash all questioned, prejudice. Last season, the playoffs, Yves Le Blanc-James, his every move, and deeds were careful attention by the media. Conflict theory, generals and not theory, theory of cancer often found inNot fresh. Bear patiently for a whole year, Weiss in the playoffs the season strong eruptions, second-round series with the Lakers, he kick 25 high, into the Lakers ' biggest nightmare. In retrospect, when it comes to those who always put his target of critics, Yves cool said: "that absolutely helped me last year in the Western finals was kicked out by calf Bureau, I am lostLook. This year, I always wanted to come back and help my team and become a better leader. "Weiss's evolution, and help bring to teams, Thunder in the eyes. Thunder head coach Brooks says: "Yves brings we this team to another level, without him we are unable to reach the finals in the West. Without him, we do still have been goodThe team, however, his presence makes us a better team Diablo 3 power leveling, he could think only of how to win. He has become a perfect player? Does not, of course, he knows this, he will continue to work hard, move itself elevated to another level. "Last January, Thunder with a 5-year total about $ 80 million worth of fertilizers with WeissRenewed success. Although Weiss has been playing suffered because own questions, but only 23 years old, he has been twice elected to the all-star game, he also represents the dream team to play an international match. About Weiss SWTOR Power Leveling, General Manager of Thunder pulaisidi says: "I will not sit in that tells you that, we had expected he would be in a players career as is now the case for the fourth season, his combative heartStrong, in our view, the team wants to succeed, he is the most important one of the cornerstones of the building team. "Despite last season there have been all kinds of news that Durant with Yves feud, but this season, two of them with the tacit agreement of cooperation and excellent record smashed all the gossip, who was the League's top two-person group. Durant praised his good partner said in an interview: "Now he's moving and shooting is very efficient, does not mean that he is able to hit every shot, but I think he is that now every shot is a good chance of release. "" As for those who do not, and rumors, to tell you the truth, how do you say we don't care about the outside world, from the very first day, we trust Yves. A character very similar to the two of us, our professional attitude, too, we are veryWith passion, both of us only care about the game, we respect every match. Every day, we both wanted to beat his opponent at the train museum, than who is the last one to leave the training Hall, we always want to challenge each other. "In helping teams across the calf, after the Lakers, Yves will have to face the next opponent was the Spurs master Parker, who had faced him kick 42 points. PreviouslyParker is first to provoke a battle of words, he believed that two rounds before Weiss met him doing so well is because there is no such type of controlling health. For Parker, Weiss is not at heart, he said: "Parker for Spurs did a lot, he is able to kill in the paint area, able to destroy the opponent's defensive formation, he was in attack mode. "Analysis between Victoria Peak with ParkerShi, the people of Oklahoma newspaper wrote this passage: "League of Parker is one of the best control health, Weiss with him to gain an upper hand in, Thunder Spurs eliminated, who will challenge Yves lack the ability to better control health? Who would question the score-controlled health cannot coexist with Durant? All questions will be lost! �� Others:

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