Friday, June 29, 2012

Iran nuclear issue to a new round of negotiations ended a first day of talks. During the talks

129823520641562500_239The Iran nuclear issue first day of talks, both sides put forward new proposals International online news (in Iran reporter Yi Xin): 23rd in the Iraq capital, Baghdad, Iran nuclear issue to a new round of negotiations ended a first day of talks. During the talks, Iran and the six delegations put forward new proposals, both sides will continue to discuss, 24th. Iran nuclear issue six heads of delegation, EU High Representative for foreign and security policy AsheSpokesman Michael? Mann told the media that, 23rd, six State delegations to Iran presented a new programme, the main objective of the programme is to control Iran refine 20% concentration of enriched uranium. Mann did not disclose the specific content of the programme official site, only expressed the wish to see Iran to respond positively to this scenario. But after a few hours, Iran delegation proposed a new "Five-point programme ". Iran reported the official Islamic Republic News Agency, this five-point programme which contains the contents of the nuclear issue, also contains a number of international transactions. Iran says, Iran's programme is envisaged by "step" way of settlement of disputes, while stressing that the West must Iran take synchronized actions. Iran media reports, programmes on both sides is an oral, There is no text. Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Saeed jalili, in the 24th before the start of the second day of negotiations, and also the EU representative Lady Ashton and Ma, head of the Chinese delegation conducted a separate consultation.

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