Thursday, June 7, 2012

Asia-Pacific time on Monday SWTOR CD-key Asia-Pacific time on Monday - IOLK

129834169419327500_84Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog dynamic observation on the foreign exchange market currency US dollar currency, instant expert analysis on relevant industry topics scroll column bodyDisk on the HD solutions financial calendar financial products Exchange Center Exchange Tools school online Salon experience exchange finance foreign exchange regulations on investment hexun Wikipedia Forex Forum Forex blog Forex > body font size print RSS June 201214:07 from: author: high sell low spread one's fingers hexun special market review: weakness of the United States in May nonfarm payrolls report still drag down the dollar, Europe some positive news, easing market sentiment, the main risk currency also rebounded against the dollar, dollar index closed below near the 82.5。 Asia-Pacific time on Monday, suppressed by the poor performance of the Asia-Pacific stock markets, risk currencies such as the euro was under pressure against the dollar, the dollar gained a certain degree of risk aversion support. In Europe, market lacking important news and data, and together with United Kingdom financial markets were closed, more agglutination. According to the period, euro-zone June Sentix investor confidence index-28.9 Diablo 3 Gold, expected-29.5 euro-zone April producer price index month flat rate, expected to rise 0.2%; annual rate increase 2.6%, expecting an increase 2.7%. Above data is very little fluctuation in the market after the announcement, effect is dull. However, transition periods in Europe and, once again, the market situation to risk money. Portugal's Finance Minister Gaspar, Portugal by the EU andIMF aid assessment for the fourth time. Ryan said the EU economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner, through the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM) considering the issue directly for Bank recapitalisation Fund. Comments above a certain extent eased the market mood, non-us and gradually expand the rebound. At the same time SWTOR CD-key, United States data shows that United States April factory orders monthly rate fell to 0.6%,Growth 0.2%; the United States April durable goods orders flat rate correction months, initial value by 0.2%. These weak data intensified investors the Federal Reserve expected to launch QE3, further depressing the dollar's movements. In addition, President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso and Germany, Angela Merkel, agree on that day to discuss banking cooperation issues; the European Commission also recommended the adoption of the euroFinancial stability Fund to the Bank. International rating agency standard and poor's issued a Greece leave the eurozone likelihood and impact assessment report, think over the next few months Greece has at least one-third chance to exit the eurozone, and that the ripple effect of other Member States are not so great as expected. Finally, in the case of no other bad and QE3 heating upMainly all high risk currencies against the US dollar Monday, near the dollar index closed less than 82.5. However, is worthy of our attention, independent rating agency Egan-Jones announced the United Kingdom rating downgraded one notch from AA, to AA-, Outlook is still taken as negative. Since the market is still digesting the expected about QE3, therefore the message no investor attention.Future prospects: three months after the worst non-farm employment report, United States economic weakness. Before the Federal Reserve now has three options: 1, continue to wait and see; 2, extend the "reverse operations" (OT), 3, launched a third round of quantitative easing (QE3) measures. Generally agreed that the 1th option has not much opportunity, fed tend toTaking measures to stimulate the economy, at the same time depress the dollar, export promotion, deny. So, we analyzed possible options 2 and 3. On the Economist on Wall Street Friday on Federal Reserve launches third round of quantitative easing expected investigation, surveys have shown that fed launch QE3 possibilities for 50%. In addition, the policy of the Federal Reserve in June 19-On the discussion of the extension of its "reverse action" is the possibility of 35%. And Morgan Stanley are more aggressive, FOMC June 19-20th Conference introduced a new stimulus package has a probability of 80% wow power leveling, after expected to 50%. In other words, most of the market participants are more likely the Fed will launch QE3. Standing on the Wall Street perspective, they think a large number of free streamingMobility, which is almost a one-way bet. Spokesmen of the fed as Wall Street interests (said to be puppets might be more accurate), to launch QE3 is not at all strange. Problem is, when? Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will 22:00 in the Joint Economic Committee of Congress on Thursday Beijing time express testimony on the Economic Outlook, we will see whether Bernanke will releaseSome signals about monetary policy. As the Fed's doves with say big brothers, under the weak non-farm data for three consecutive months, his old attitude is key. End of the end of June, the Fed will "reverse operations", United States Federal open market Committee (FOMC) meeting was held on June 19 on the income, we will get results. NotThis year is a United States election year, under normal circumstances, there will be steady on, will not be easy to change the current policy. From the operational point of view of the market, the dollar index is not in a very good sell high. QE twice before operation, index, about 89 per cent, and for now the dollar index is still hovering near 83. Gann cycles with theories, United StatesSelected, USD index trend, we prefer releases is temporarily on the Fed meeting in months of wait-and-see attitude. April's leading economies said first-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) inadequate performance, opened the prelude to a global economic slowdown during the year, while May is all the more appalling. JPMorgan Chase under the United States and the United Kingdom, China, GermanyCountries, Russia about 20 of the world's major economies, such as performance after the consolidation of manufacturing activity according to a report published in the June 1, 50.6 recorded in May at JPMorgan Global Manufacturing purchasing managers ' index, remains above 50 blight, but lower than the April level of 51.4, 51.1 the March data. Data showed the world's major economiesIndustry activity has shown an overall warming trend, but has close to recession. And we described earlier May performance of Chinese and European PMI indices of the same. About to enter the hot summer in the northern hemisphere, but the State of the global economy is gradually into the cold and long winter in the southern hemisphere. Do not forget that we didn't mention the European debt crisis here ... ... HoweverWhere, under the current state of the global economy, the risk shall not own assets were mixed, depends on the Fed's face. Beijing Tuesday 12:30, RBA (RBA) published the latest issue of the meeting and declared the results. O reserve unexpectedly cut interest rates by 50 basis points last month, Australian dollar/US dollar sparked a round of nearly 700 points, or. Even though the market moreThe row not in June to cut interest rates again, but in the European debt crisis, not to the force of circumstances in the global economy, investors ' attitude has changed, many market participants expected that the line will cut 25-50 basis points on Tuesday. On Monday announced Australia civil inflation indicator, price pressures May still well controlled in the country, consolidating the market this week o Chu HangRate cut expected. O storage line to sit, you stimulate the Australian dollar rose sharply in the short term; if the rest 25 basis points probably has little effect; if a rate cut of 50 basis points, or AUD/USD fell again to below 0.9600.   What will happen, we will know soon. US dollar index fell on Monday, closed k-lien yin, prices83 per cent under the mark now dipped below the 10-day moving average line, date line KD index has dropped out of fall risk, does not rule out further down the short term may be amended.   1: we propose to wait for it to come down to the supported near 81.75 buy, stop loss to its bottom, near target 83.5. After the euro rebounded from a near two-year lows, moreLine indicators show a further upward correction of its requirements, dash may try to buy, but as a whole remains bearish.   1: short try 1.25 a gate near the buy stop loss to its bottom, near target 1.262. 2 If up blocked in the vicinity of 1.262, proposed to sell, stop loss to above it, near target 1.229.Sterling briefly dropped below upward trend line since January 2009, but rebounded overnight rate over even the negative trend, date line there are amendments demand for oversold stochastic indicators, short-term continued to rebound.   1: recommended selling after rebounding to near 1.545 blocked, stop loss above 1.56, target 1.5 mark. The United States and JapanRebounding from recent lows, but overall running on a downward path, intraday recommendations continue to sell. 1: planned in the vicinity of 78.6 sell, stop loss above the 78.9, near target 76.6. 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