Friday, June 15, 2012

this anonymous message there SWTOR CD-key this anonymous message there - LKMC

129838985678750000_4Zhang Ziyi handed petitions to the Hong Kong Court stressed that proscribed exit is defamation Zhang Ziyi (information) NetEase entertainment on June 11 report (text/Xiao Yi on) on June 11, Zhang Ziyi (click to see Zhang Ziyi film and video of the ambush of the United Nations, the hero) submitted petitions to the High Court against the Apple daily, the false reports of next magazine and its related media formally filed. Zhang Ziyi employ Hong Kong lawyers HaldaneS Bao Yongnian and senior counsel in pleadings submitted to the Court cited a report in the Apple daily and next magazine in the defamation and insulting reports, including "accompany sleep" SWTOR CD-key, "forbidden for exit" and "under investigation", such as defamatory content. Complaint also stressed, which is defamatory and insulting nature of reports of severe damage to reputation of Zhang Ziyi, and making it suffer great mental pressureAnd social pressure. Zhang Ziyi requires the defendant to stop immediately spreading defamatory remarks, and compensation for their spiritual and economic losses. This means this thing officially entered the judicial process. United States local time on June 11, Zhang Ziyi also through United States counsel Glaser Weil Fink Jacobs Shapiro LLP formally charged theSource-the spreading of untrue reports overseas of a so-called "news site" investigated the site contrary to the basic principle of news reports, only with an unidentified anonymous letters will not be responsible to publish abusive, defamatory reports by the parties. In addition, this anonymous message there, also said Zhang Ziyi, will continue through legal means of tracing the source of rumors. A series of tablesMing, Zhang Ziyi, the full rights are determined by legal means and severely pursue libel related media in the event of legal responsibility. Reporters learned, Bao Yongnian is a famous Hong Kong senior counsel Diablo 3 gold, has extensive experience in the honorary legal rights and enjoy high reputation. Have been acting a lot of accusation of libel cases Diablo 3 CD-KEY, took over the case for serious caution. Others:

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