Wednesday, February 29, 2012

tera gold top five Kings pattern chenghaipurui in the early future results poor 3rd page - ZBU

129742938848125000_188The 1th page: heparin sodium snap fall "first high value unit" haipurui ring peeling chopping results 2nd page: top five Kings pattern chenghaipurui in the early future results poor 3rd page: haipurui net profit last year fell by 50% face more intense competition in the future Editor's Note: the full moon, full of water to overflow them "first high value unit" haipurui (002399) In 2010 of "revenues and profits were a record level" after the success of, no longer made. Express company recently released 2011 performance show, 2011 total operating income is expected to be lower than last year 35.26%, 49.12% per cent decrease in operating profit. Haipurui pillar product price alignment of heparin sodium drug fell,Direct cause its operating profit rate 180-degree turn, almost the same number from positive to negative. Heparin sodium snap fall "first high value unit" haipurui aura spalling performance if these conditions months over the loss, full of water is spilled, the two "first high value unit" haipurui (002399) made in 2010 "level of turnover and profitRecord level "after the success of, no longer made. Company recently released 2011 performance express showed that total revenue is expected to open in 2011, the company will reduce 35.26% than last year, operating profit down 49.12%. Haipurui pillar product price alignment of heparin sodium drug fell, a direct result of its operating profit rate of 180 degreesTurn, almost the same number from positive to negative. Heparin sodium aligned down performance if these conditions performance of haipurui recently published letters show, 2011 $ 2.495 billion operating revenue of the company, 35.26% less than a year earlier, mainly because of heparin sodium falling drug sales price and sales volume fell slightly. Due to operating incomeDown, falling interest rates, expected 2011 achieved operating profit of $ 720 million, up by 49.12%; total profits of $ 721 million eq2 platinum, up by 49.1%; achieve the net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies for $ 624 million, than the 2010 fall 48.41%. Said, this is only a preliminary account data, andAnnual reports disclose final data may differ, but consistent with the given three quarterly announcements. Just listed for two years, haipurui performance was "great". In 2010, the company achieved operating income $ 3.853 billion, than the 2009 growth to achieve operating profit of $ 1.417 billion, an increase of 47.6%,Realization of attributed to owners of the parent company's net profit of $ 1.21 billion, than the 2009 growth. ����Company says 2010 revenues and profits have reached record levels, at present, the main products in short supply. However, the definitive refutation, haipurui results for the first quarter of 2011, investors plunged glasses, company quarter net profits only$ 152 million, down 39.11%. From the 2010 50% annual growth by 2011 a quarterly decline of 40%, drastic changes in performance beyond the expectations of investors, haipurui seems to be in the high-growth era of unsustainable. It's decline nightmare start, notice display, the first half of 2011, haipurui net profit of 3.6$ 200 million tera gold, fell 39.51%; 2011-September net profit of only $ 148 million, fell as much as 57.85%. At the same time, haipurui's share price from $ 148/unit in a rush, February 17 closing price of only $ 25.72/unit. Haipurui April 2011 to 400.1 million total equity sharesAs the base, every 10 sent $ 20 converted into 10 shares, excluding this effect, continue to cover up investors "vote with their feet" the status quo. "The only" myth shattered peer competition "only make United States FDA certification" and performance with high growth in the haipurui myth ring round, but this myth than high growth burst earlier. 2011-July, thousands of Red-pharmaceutical (002550), heparin Division of the company recently received a notice from customer Bobby Sands company, United States FDA approved on June 8, 2011 Bobby Sands of heparin sodium injection in the United States listed company to the United States FDA submission of all information on levels of heparin sodium for injection drug received FDA approval. National CityIn the field, thousands of Red medicine has begun to sell meet to Bobby Sands United States Pharmacopoeia grade heparin sodium for injection of the standard API. ����From the international point of view, as the imitation of enoxaparin preparations and new heparin formulation production enterprises continue to be United States FDA approval, downstream competitive market, haipurui of a single situation precarious. Because heparin sodium raw materials prices, thousands of Red medicine 2011 year experienced decline in the first quarter, company 2011 only $ 37.0338 million net profit in the first quarter, down 29.28%. But fortunately, there is another major product of the company--pancreatic kallikrein series, although business General 33.68% reduction in revenue in the first quarter of last year, heparin series sales dropped to 41.41% eq2 plat, but the mainPancreatic kallikrein series increased sales revenue by 25.64%, to a certain extent, ease the heparin series of Qi fall impact on company performance. That continue into the third quarter of last year, thousands of Red pharmaceuticals is expected in 2011 net earnings attributable to the shareholders of listed companies would increase by 0% per cent, performance increased due mainly to pancreatic kallikreinMeter will achieve a certain level of growth for the whole year, heparin product gross profit margin increased. ����Most performance relies on raw heparin sodium hepalink is not so lucky and notice display, operating costs fell less than sale price decline, leading to decline in gross profit margin of the company. Halo fading hepalink is how, on March 28, the company annual report disclosureIt will indicate.

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