Sunday, February 19, 2012

swtor credits Dorsett EC7 cumulative sales of 86 - WBE

129733617929065000_25Interviews · author/photography/Che Qingjiu Zhou Ying Qin Cong on security guarantees, respect for life, embodies a car companies a high sense of social responsibility; input into the research and development, to breakthrough in security technology, decided to have a level of maturity and strength. "Now the security has become the first selling point of Geely automobile. Many consumers when choosing a Geely cars in the firstAt its high safety performance.  "Introduction to Geely automobile Liu Jinliang, Deputy Chief Executive, 2011 1 November, Dorsett EC7 cumulative sales of 86,848 vehicles, an increase of more than 50%, top brand high-end class a car first, safety is becoming one of the major selling points of the Geely brand is distinguished from other brands. From 2007, Geely announced implementation strategyTransition to "safety first" proposal and implementation of research and development strategy from security development and sustained investment in the capacity of, the domestic first-class security labs completed, GTSM (Geely Total Safety Management) Geely all-round application of effective safety management system, and to be the first brand security brand from the originalBMBS tire monitoring and control technology of mass production to subsequent depth development of Omni-directional collision mitigation system from Geely Panda and Dorsett EC7 in C-NCAP have access to five-star assessment, EC7 fame overseas, acquiring brands first four star Euro NCAP results. Mr LI's "safe cars" mission, by GeelyResearch and development team, is a step by step and put down roots, blossom. Creating security brands even start with small changes and the C-NCAP collision test in late 2006 when I first started, Geely CK to 28.6 received two stars. For this achievement diablo 3 gold, no objection, no one doubts. This achievement has become, Frank Zhao, claims "of griefPain into strength "for the auspicious starting point for building a security card. In 2007, and strategic transformation, establishes "the safest, greenest, most energy-efficient cars" strategic objectives. In July 2008, the Geely vision become the brand's first C-NCAP four star cars 2009, Panda to 45.3 points become C-NCAP the firstFive-star A00 car; 2010 C-NCAP collision test in the fourth instalment, Dorsett EC7 to 46.8 points high score get five-star safety rating. November 23, 2011, Euro NCAP released the Geely emgrand EC7 achieved four-star safety assessment results. Euro NCAP's test is divided into 4 categories,More than a period of more than 30 small, involving a total of close to 1000 test test data. At the time of the evaluation in order to get a star, in addition to each category must meet the requirement, total weighted score must meet the requirements of the corresponding star, which means that each item is much better, not "tend to go overboard on one or some subjects." It's becoming increasingly hard to test various car manufacturers power. It is understood that China brandHigh in the Euro NCAP tests are only getting two stars. On this, Secretary General of the Euro NCAP Michiel van Ratingen commented: "this is a milestone in the Chinese automotive industry. China automobile manufacture enterprise in development experiences rapid growth and rapidly increasing their investments in vehicle security.Even in the context of increasing demands of future evaluation, five star results will be soon. "December 29, 2011, Dorsett EC8 49.6 min high gain C-NCAP five star safety found. This results not only in safety crash tests of own-brand models in C-NCAP the best performances, as well as C-NCAP 147 collision model test of the sixth good results so far, pressed many famous brands joint venture model. This seemingly simple step by step change of, rallied behind lucky people to build. Vice President of Geely, Frank Zhao, claims confessed, five-star security is hard to do, especially in cost control made in the context of the five-star brand security more difficult. "Brand to walk virtueAnd security between the cracks. "Say with deep experience, Frank Zhao, claims," I worked for Daimler-Chrysler company, Benz Geely, development costs and are not on the same level. If Dorsett selling $ 250,000, and five-star performance is nothing remarkable, not that it is a shame, but on the $ 80,000 ~9 Dorsett, balloon is not one more than others, highStrength of steel is not much more than others, but third parties under fair and impartial certification at a five-star, this is difficult. "Professional security identification of Geely's efforts in improving safety performance, follow is the increase in sales. Production and sales for the year 2010 lucky 416,000 units swtor credits, an increase of up to 30%. Especially the emgrand brands 2010 totalSales exceed 70,000 units, 1.8L manual gear segment came in second, listing more than a year, Dorsett had cumulative sales of nearly 100,000 vehicles. Dorsett EC8 since September 2010 listing, has been in short supply. J.D.Power survey also showed that consumers in the Geely brand reputation in the ladder. These phenomena show that consumers on KyrgyzstanLee brand impressions from suspected gradually into the trust and appreciation of the past.  First formidable GTSM concept models of innovative security technology taking care of own-brand models in China and abroad the security impact of high scores, Geely are fully displayed on the security technology of strength. , Frank Zhao, claims revealed that Geely's engineers to EC7Foot design standards in Europe, have done a lot of meticulous development work. The active and passive safety of the vehicle not only have a good performance, also meeting such as the euro v emission standards, materials recycling regulations, a series of very difficult European environmental requirements. Only as far as security and development, and put a lot of manpower and resources for design and development, CAE simulation and test verification. Our research and development teamThere are more than 580 people. Over a total of more than 200 researchers participated in the security development EC7, has carried out more than 100 more than the whole vehicle crash test, tests, hundreds of times more than more than 180 sliding part compliance test and simulation analysis of a large number of.  "EC7, as after 3 years of hard tackling and get Crystal to become Geely real security" business card ". “Safety in an integrated, high configuration is not equal to the high security, ten air bag did just less than four stars, five stars, automobile safety is not a simple stacking configuration can be achieved, various technical and design must be integrated, meet the cost of managed case matching subsystem role into full play, this is the car safe. "So explain the Geely brand, Frank Zhao, claimsAll ideas, but on the efforts of more than one word to Dominion. In early 2011, and safety laboratory officially opened for the completion, China enterprise within China, and the European Union on the collision regulations, also the only one of the active and passive safety in one of the labs. Now to the society as the technology center of Zhejiang Province, particularly open to the University. ExperimentOver the past year, has 180 times vehicle crashes, although not the biggest, but said utilization should be the highest in the country, and to effect was the best. "We found success from a large number of coaster simulation experiment method, for example by not changing the belts, but change the structure of the Guide ring, achieved with a seat belt, with different installationsForm, meets two completely different regulatory requirements. ", Frank Zhao, claims reports, currently Geely cars did not develop until all are done a lot of analysis. More than 180 more than one car after the experiments included in the outside world, to stage data, industry regulations and the latest data, has been entered in the database, and become the basis for future development of guidance, and has produced 50GTSM (vehicle development safety manual). Geely successfully breakthrough in security technology, comes from Geely's first GTSM system. GTSM is from the early stage of vehicle development plan to security technology development, to production, from the full range of active safety and passive safety vehicle safety management system. It includes active safety (before the crash) and passive safety(After the collision) two parts, GOA is a similar Toyota, Honda G-CON concept of security. In this under the concept of security, no longer rely solely on seat belt reminder device, seat belt pretension and force limiting device, security configuration security such as side airbags and curtain, more holistic security design and security management to ensure safety, let them at critical moments to make, Which in turn saved owner's life. Geely global initiative BMBS technology, represent an extremely high proportion of accidents in development and design of high speed puncture hazard. Statistics show that, on 70% of freeway traffic accidents are caused by tire burst and puncture accidents almost always result in a vehicle crash, high speed puncture occurs, drivers from discovery to braking measures usuallyTake up to 3 seconds, and during this period of time in the car has been out of control. Geely BMBS technology real time testing tire pressure, when a puncture occurs, system intelligent response, immediate implementation of automatic emergency braking, auto smooth deceleration. BMBS technologies is a major invention of vehicle safety technology, BMBS technology in January 2008 North American auto show world publication, and"Technology innovation special award". Geely, based on independent research and development of ideas and technology, said, Frank Zhao, claims, Geely car to achieve the "four-five" safety development goals, which includes all new models of development, including economic car, collision of cars to reach C-NCAP five stars 80% results. Future Geely has identified three major strategies:Common strategies, energy diversification and security of first strategy. Safety, the design is done at the beginning of each car Geely cars from four of five, is guaranteed four stars in the C-NCAP collision test, winning five-star. At present, that it is developing a similar collision avoidance system full range of Volvo city collision mitigation system, the system can not only prevent others into their own, can also preventThey hit others, carry the prototype of the system has gone gold tsw gold, deep industry development, the first generation of products and strive to put on the market by the end of next year. At the same time, propitious sustained drop ramp control systems will also be put on the market in the next two years. In the beginning of the end of 2013, 2014, set BMBS, GCMS system integrating ESC and collision avoidance systems, GeelyAzimuth collision mitigation system will be put on the market. "In terms of security, Geely not only walk in the forefront of the other domestic automakers, also at the world's advanced level. ” Others:

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