Friday, February 17, 2012

tera gold it also provides genome sequencing equipment - WWS

129733877333440000_59Personal genome sequencing instrument to help people more easily get their own "code", which is expected to bring major breakthroughs to the treatment of genetic diseases. On the human genome, there is a lot of confusion in hidden genetic variation in DNA double-spiral, leading to a strange genetic disease in the world, to catch these mysterious genetic code where the error, it must beGroup genome sequencing, to capture some of the genetic variation of culprit contributing writer Jin Yu from Beijing in the International Herald Tribune Qiao·Beili and Rita was in United States California couple, the past 20 years, they have been trying to figure out the Phoenix twins what exactly had a strange disease. Two children, Noah and Alex always vomiting, Muscle atrophy, and often seizures, are sometimes unable to control actions.   The twins grow up to 18 years old, strange disease symptoms become more severe tera gold, but still could not be confirmed. Until his father Qiao·Beili joined to California's "life Technologies Corporation" a genome sequencing company, had to change the fate of this person. In genome sequencing instruments help, they found that the twoA child had been misdiagnosed, treatment is not properly.   It turns out that daughter Alex who have a gene mutation, reducing brain chemicals-serotonin and dopamine levels, and another child who has the same genetic defects. Today, the commercialization of personal genome sequencing has become the living things most rapid, most fast developing industry, if you want toTheir genome sequencing costs below $ 5,000, it is estimated that the price in the future and may even drop to us $ 1000.   Capture source gene mutation responsible for solve a number of difficult and complicated cases, personal genome sequencing has a crucial role. Part of each organism, if only a small amount of DNA, is included withAll of the information on this creature, its gene sequencing, like decoding, and can hide behind the bio-characteristics of secrets revealed. On the human genome, there is a lot of confusion in hidden genetic variation in DNA double-spiral, leading to a strange genetic disease in the world, to catch these mysterious genetic code where the error, it must be the entire set of genesSequencing, to capture some variant of the culprit. Genome sequencing-based diagnosis, doctors have decided to join in the daily treatment of Alex produces serotonin drugs now, Noah and Alex can have normal breathing, movement and life. "Genome sequencing really saved their lives.   "Mother Bailey said. Another piece of good news in 2012 early years brought about by the doctors.   By genome sequencing, doctors can identify for the first time a very difficult diagnosis disease disease mitochondria, DNA sequencing in clinical application for the first time. Genome sequencing of the rapid development of the technology from the beginning in 2009 diablo 3 gold, but that is only in the laboratory on gene decoding thousands of diseases, but now, it formally to the clinical community to enter.   Do not know where the doctors of the patients and the diseases of confusion, has an excellent tool. Mitochondrial disease can affect the body's energy production process, is also one of the most difficult to diagnose the disease. At least 5,000 people around the world suffer from this disease, and many of the disease gene, symptoms will appear on different organs, some common symptoms is blindness, Epilepsy, dyspepsia, and muscle soreness. According to the traditional method, doctors may take many months or even years to be diagnosed with the disease, but also on human muscle biopsy, but recently, scientists at the Murdoch children's Research Institute and Harvard Medical School in Sydney, in 42 children with symptoms of the disease after the genome sequencing, finally found theGene mutation that causes the disease. 42 children, had 10 children of gene mutations and mitochondrial disease directly, they can prescribe, also had 13 children, with no gene mutations and known diseases, scientists said, after the function of these genes were identified, these children can also be treated."We are very excited," the researchers said Tucker, "the diagnosis of illness in children is difficult to use traditional methods to find out. "Melbourne's Monash University scientist Matthew · will McKenzie assessment, this is a great study, he said, to gene mutations in patients with mitochondrial disease looked for like as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack," I think it isGenome sequencing into the very good results of the clinical trials. "Thunder over Google's technology black 9 years ago, scientists have made integrating Genomic sequencing of human body for the first time, very soon, this technology as developed as A single spark can start a prairie fire. More and more genome sequencing company, for the price of personal genome sequencing is falling, at the same time, this newTechnology is also entering the hospital. Provides genome sequencing company Illumina company equipment recently to $ 57 billion is for more of the world's largest cancer drug company, Switzerland acquired by Roche holding, industry forecasts, in the fierce competition, the personal genome sequencing of the price will drop to $ 1000, this than some of the commonly used today to check if the knotColonoscopy is cheap, experts predict that in the near future, DNA scans will become a routine examination of the medical field. ILLumna company is the new genome sequencing company dark horse Diablo 3 Gold, in the 2008 United States fastest growing technology company award, even over Google.   They offer products directly to patients. WithFor the genome sequencing of the leader in the field of the Pacific "(601,099, unit) bio-Corporation" (Pacific Bio) strength, it also provides genome sequencing equipment, currently, its commercial genome sequencing equipment has not only limited to researchers, and began to open to the public. Another company, "integrate genes" company (CG) In the areas of bio-company famous. This is the first out of personal genome sequencing company when the product sells, is also the only company not to sell equipment, but directly provides genome sequencing service company.   In the area of rapid development of genome sequencing, the company go on top, even the "integrate genes" was the name of their registration. "Integrate genes" also known as "Genome sequencing ", refers to in the lab, on the full set of biological genome sequencing of a complete process.   Automation to speed up sequencing speed according to the New Scientist magazine on CG company visits, the company has fully automated sequencing, not researchers, but the rows of robots. The company "front office"Is a computer terminal, will take the initiative to say hello to visitors, asking the name, identity, and visitors ' intentions. Next to the connection of a printer listed automatically visits.   At the same time, an email has been sent to the internal computer support personnel. Laboratory of their production lines more like science fiction movies, dark blue is full of advanced equipment in the room, room temperatureAt 28 ° c and high relative humidity, wearing a lab coat, with a cover of staff to monitor his computer screen, view the operation of the robot.   Here has become the world's largest human genome sequencing factory. A tennis court is only about half a room, "sit" 16 machines people, without interruption for the human genomeSequence of work. In 2010, their complete genome sequencing of the 800 people working half a year after one-third is made out of them.   In the past year, they have genes can produce 400 people each month. At present, the asking price per genome sequencing of the CG company has fallen from millions of dollars in the past 5,000 dollars, and they and the medical professionAlso has produced a lot of amazing results, company terms often appear in authoritative journals such as science. They had been published for the first time three of the complete human genome sequence analysis of results, and announced that sequencing of the cost can be reduced to $ 1726, which caused a sensation in biology, since then, its collaboration and the Institute for systems biology in Seattle, for a family of fourGenome sequencing, determines that the two children suffering from a rare recessive genetic condition Miller syndrome and ciliary dyskinesia. With the development of microorganisms, computer technology and information technology, genome sequencing technology slowly being human to master, but that, to use artificial methods to find the wrong genes are like "a needle in a haystack" as a very large scienceProject.   At present, CG companies to lead the trend of robot auto-sequencing, when gene sequencing becomes automated process, and its efficiency will be greatly enhanced, sequencing time shortened, sequence prices. CG kelifude·LiDE, Chief Executive of the company said that now we all spell speed and efficiency over the next few years, genome sequencing capacity can be increased by 100 times timesAbove. Ultimately benefit patients is another development challenge is to be able to make important genetic data on hospitals and doctors software.   At present, the company has invested 20 million dollars in initial funding to software development, hoping to speed up the application of these data. Still others, such as the "genomic exploration" company and "software of gene"In the development of all types of software, can help doctors from a large number of genetic variations in the data are useful information.   Genome sequencing of a public company, Lisa Krohn ' company is determined to conduct DNA analysis, was also in the hospital consultation and free software licences. Have worked at Wal-Mart and Apple software engineer Martin Rees,Through his new development company aominiya company can filter the gene variation of mass data systems.   It says, when you can spend half a year-long analysis of the artificial process reduced to an hour or half an hour under the automation status. Some even go further, CEO of Illumina jieer·fulaiteli said to the media, has beenDevelop storage applications of human genome sequencing data in the future, they can directly take the smart phone to see a doctor.   According to expected clinical medicine sector will emerge a unit using the genome sequencing of the boom over the next few years, genome sequencing of the global industry will be increased from the current $ 1.5 billion to $ 10 billion. Ultimately benefit patients.With the explosion of genomic data, may soon will lead to some changes in the treatment of genetic diseases, such as cancer plaguing humanity for a century.   At present, the United States National Cancer Institute is also actively and genome sequencing agencies and companies, hoping to find the individual causes of tumors appear. "This is the biggest change in oncology. "The United States Cancer SocietyI haluode·waermusi said, "people can get a patient's tumor gene information, cancer treatment are also changed dramatically. Others:

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